West Yorkshire Reflexology with Haven House Holistics

As a Reflexologist in West Yorkshire, I am celebrating World Reflexology Week! Whether you’re a ‘no idea’ kinda person or a full convert, I’m going to dive into this incredible treatment and give you my best insider reflexologist knowledge on how remarkable this treatment is AND why it’s not just a ‘foot massage.’
So, what is Reflexology?
Well, it dates back to the late 1800’s and applies pressure to various points on the foot,
British Scientists found that nerves connect the skin and internal organs. They also found that the body’s entire nervous system tends to adjust to outside factors, including touch. Fascinating hey?!
When I’m working with a client, this is how their feet are ‘mapped’ out, which then allows me to assess certain areas of their body to determine if there are any areas of concern.

I absolutely adore this treatment for many reasons, with my holistic approach to the treatments and improving the general wellbeing of my clients as much as I can.
Reflexology has been known to;
– Reduce stress and anxiety
– Reduce pain
– Lift mood Improve general well-being
I’ve also worked with many clients who have seen results on;
- Boosted immune systems
- Improved sinus issues
- Correct hormonal imbalances
- Boost fertility
- Improve digestion
- Ease arthritis pain
- Improved sleep patterns
Whilst the benefits of this treatment remain medically proven, every one of my clients have felt significantly better from each appointment, mainly feeling ‘rebalanced’ in mind and body.
I met “Liz’ who quite literally “ crawled” into my salon with severe back pain and was extremely uncomfortable she could hardly walk.
Following a full consultation, I worked the areas of her back and spinal points and I could actually “feel “ huge lumps in these areas and I wanted to remove them and help alleviate her discomfort as soon as I could. Needless to say Liz walked out as straight as could be, without any pain whatsoever.
Join me at Haven House in Halifax for Reflexology
Working within the calm, serene environment of my studio in West Yorkshire and over 15 years’ experience in my field, let me bring this wonderful touch therapy to your life. We discuss your lifestyle and any possible ailments and I work the areas that I feel need help to bring balance back to your wellbeing.
If you’re ready to take the plunge into having this wonderful treatment done, CLICK HERE
Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Karen x
Reflexology may have value as a complementary therapy to help reduce symptoms and improve someone’s quality of life, much like massage. Since the massaged area is the feet, for some people that will provide even more relief of stress or discomfort.
There are many medical research studies about reflexology, however, each therapist will carry out a medical questionnaire to discuss any potential health issues before carrying out any treatment.
If you’re pregnant, make sure to tell your reflexologist before your session, as some pressure points in the hands and feet may induce contractions. If you’re trying to use reflexology to induce labour, only do so with your doctor’s approval.
Talk to your doctor if you have any serious existing conditions before seeking treatment.